A/B TESTING: The method based on comparison of two versions of a webpage, app or marketing campaign to determine which one achieve better results.

AD IMPRESSION: Displaying an ad on a web page itself, no matter if customer clicked on it or not.

AD EXCHANGE PLATFORM: The tool which allows to buy and sell inventory in real-time through auctions.  The platform connect advertisers and publishers.

ASSISTED CLICK: Any search ad click that happened prior to the “last click” before a conversion including direct visits. You can find these data in Google Analytics > Conversions > Multi-Channel Funnels > Assisted conversions.

AVERAGE ORDER VALUE: Average order value (AOV) presents average amount pent each time a customer places his or her order on your website. This metric helps marketers to measure and mostly understand better customers purchasing habits.

BANNER AD: The form of advertising on the Internet which is delivered by server. This ad is based on embedding image-based ads into a web page. The main purpose of this ad is to attract traffic ti a website by linking the website to the advertiser.

BID: In the concept of RTB the bid presents the price offer put forward by an advertiser via DSP for an ad impression which is offer in real-time auction.

COOKIES: Unique identifiers of specific computers to decide which ADs to serve to a particular consumer.

CPC: Cost per click shows the number of times a visitor clicks on an advertisement.

CPM: Cost per mille/thousands impressions refers to cost incurred for every thousand potential customers who views the ad.

CTR: Click through rate is the number which shows a ratio of users who click on specific lin to the number of total users who view the page, email or ad.

CROSS-DEVICE RECOGNITION: Identification of a single user across multiple devices such as tablet, smartphone, desktop even wearables.

CROSS-SELL STRATEGY: Trying to persuade customers with additional offers that are related to (but not an upgraded version of) the product they’re purchasing.

DATA MANGEMENT PLATFORM (DMP): Data warehouse where the information are sorted, stored and spitted out in the way which is useful for marketers, publishers and other businesses. DPM are processing mostly big data which are hard to be analyzed and evaluated because of their big size.

DEMAND SIDE DISPLAY (DSP): Tools that bid on behalf of advertisers. The platform includes interface which allows advertisers to access a wide range of inventory coming from different sources.

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