HomeProduct guidesOnline adsBrand banner

Brand banner

  • Banner’s content consists of one or more images which are pre-programmated and do not change
  • The same banner is shown to everyone – you cannot choose specific audience segment
  • This banner is a good choice to attract new visitors mostly
  • You can add the banner once and publish it easily through multiple channels

Upload your banners in Assets (here you can find how to upload your banners).

Select brand banner, fill in campaign’s name, responsible person and budget. YOTTLY BOT parameters are adjusted automatically according to your budget amount.

Static banner

Choose the period of running for your campaign. Write requested dates into the columns under the table.banner timing

The last step is selecting the segment you want to target and banner you want to use. On the top of the tab you can see all available banners. Clicking on small “eye” icon you can preview the banner you are going to use.segmenty banenry

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